Monday, September 26, 2011

Dear Eli | Part 1

My sweet boy,
Having you completed me. My heart bursts with love, joy, and peace and I thank God for brining you into my life. You are the perfect mix between calm and feisty. Most of the time you are very calm and hardly cry, but I can already see that you are strong-willed. You spend a portion of each day sitting quietly and observing the world around you. I love seeing the world through your eyes. You just recently started really locking eyes on objects and when you're under your play mat you swat at the items above. You're growing up before my eyes and that is so bittersweet. I love spending my day with you.

I love you so,


Lindsey said...

Such a gorgeous baby! And I love the name Eli!!

Abbi said...

congrats to you and you lil family! he's beautiful!!

Busana Muslim said...

nice your blog