Thursday, June 18, 2009

Life after job.

Last week as I was in the single digits of counting down (not happily counting down) my last days before the layoff, I was dreaming of how I would keep a spotless house, dinner would be ready when David got home instead of my usual head scratch not knowing what to fix, I would be spending some of the day at the gym, I could read books, I could bake, I could organize the house, I could lay out at the pool, I could advertise my butt off for photography..oh the dreams I had.

What I realized on Tuesday morning is this: With my job I already had way too much on my plate. [Full-time job, full-time school, part-time business, being a wife, Furmom, keeping a house, and not to mention watching my shows on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings!] I still have all of those things going on, minus the full time job.

I normally get up at 9 (Even when I worked, it's nice working from home- get up and turn the computer on) but i'm not thinking I want to try and be up at 7:30, 8 at the latest. I could get a lot done if i'm not wiping the sleepy out of my eye at 9AM every morning. (I know, some of you are thinking, "That isn't even the morning time!")

Having a schedule would work. I used to plan out my days to the hour- and worked very well on that schedule. The only problem was when something unexpected would happen and throw me off for the whole day, sometimes two.

Where are the hours in the day? It's already 10:30 and the motivation to get the day started hasn't come yet.

This weekend.. Ohh this weekend is going to kill me- I've got TWO (yes TWO!) weddings on Saturday. Remember a while back I said that I may work for a really awesome photographer that is right down the road? Well, I am. I had a 2 hour very small ceremony booked, and she has an all day a wedding right down the road, so I will start out at hers, go to mine, and go back to hers. Sunday I have an engagement shoot. At least I will come out of the weekend with a lot of good pictures. [had a fun maternity session last weekend-seen here.] There is one picture that I am dying to post from that- but I need to check with the mommy first. It's her & her husband on the traintracks, both shirts off and back is to me with them looking over their shoulders. (They've got some fun tattoos that they wanted to showcase, plus her belly)

I may or may not be photographing her birth. My good friend (who I think I mention on here every other week) Liz has photographed a few births and loveees it. (Thankful that we're 2 hours away so I don't feel like i'm stepping on toes if I get into birth photography here) I'm not so sure I wouldn't pass out. I don't have a problem with blood-but i've only seen a cow and cat give birth, I've never seen a human birth. (and I had my hands over my eyes for a few parts in both animal births.) Right now I am trying to think about clients, and there could be a decent market in Richmond for a birth photographer. As of now i've only found 1, but she hasn't posted new stuff in a while. There's a lot to think about there!

Wow, this was a long post.
About...nothing really.
If you've made it to the end: congrats!
Now you may see why my days go by so quickly
as a million things swirl in my head at once.


Lucky in Love said...

I hope it takes you very little time to become accustomed to your new schedule...but it sure sounds like you are one busy lady! So glad that your photography business is going well. You are so crazy talented!

Lindsey said...

Wow 2 weddings on Saturday?! Busy bee, good luck!!

JennyLee said...

2 weddings! You are going to have a busy busy weekend! Good luck! I'm sure you'll get accustomed to your new schedule in no time.

Tiffany said...

Yay for a blog update!! :] You are going to have a busy weekend!! I definitely want you to come and be my birth photographer when I have my next little one!!!

Courtney said...

Love those pictures!! Sounds like a busy weekend!!

Blogalicious Designs said...

Looks like you're going to be a busy girl!!


Kat said...

I think it just takes time to adjust to a new (or set a new) schedule. You'll get there.
And good luck with the two weddings!

Michele said...

Megan ~ you're so good at what you do, that I'm sure you'll get adjusted to your new schedule!!! Sounds like you are going to be a very busy lady!


just a girl... said...

I wish I had two weddings shoot. Good food, good company and good liquour.. Have a blast.

Leigh said...

I don't blame you for not waiting to photograph births, that is kinda gross.