The sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the English language.
The name of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with.
Cat's urine glows under a black light.
A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
The average secretary's left hand does 56% of the typing.
If you keep a Goldfish in the dark room, it will eventually turn white.
So you MAY have known some of them...but did you know that this past weekend was spent cleaning, decluttering, and changing out summer clothes for fall/winter? No, you probably DIDN'T know that. During all of this I found an oldddd set of PJ's. I can still fit into them nicely, but they are old. ..Not to mention ugly. Doing what anyone would do I made Dave try them on....

It is a shame the pictures were blurry.. I was laughing too hard and didn't have time to set up the camera since I knew I couldn't keep him in this too long.
He asked later, "You deleted those pictures right? You aren't going to post them on your blog are you?"
My response, "Of course I deleted them.." -That's right folks. I deleted them. But that was only after I saved them to my computer.
ya'll sound like me and my husband!!! hilarious!! and shh...don't tell anyone...but their blog confuses me too... i was just trying to convince everyone that i knew what was going on!!! :)
hope your day is PERFECT!
i have never heard of ukrops!! maybe i should look into it and see if you can order theirs too!!! Sprinkles cupcakes are to die for!!!! :) if i was still close to one and could send you one... i totally would!
He is SUCH a SUPER TROOPER!!!!!!!! =) I love it!!!! He is soooooooooooooooooooo DANG cute!!!!
Also, thanks for all the informative info! I had no idea a crocodile couldn't stick his tongue out! It's not like I ever got close enough to see!!! lol
Okay, I agree with you about the blog roll!!!! 100% it's like it's double work or
GO AND JOIN A SWAP! Come on you can do it!!! Just give it another try!!!!
LOL Oh my word! That is hilarious! You guys are craaaazy! :) I am glad you got some good use out of your old pj's.
that is classic, and the cat urine is cracking me up
I think I had those same PJs a few years back. You've got a stronger hold on your man than I have on mine! I could never get him to do something like that :)
I loved this post - and thanks for saving the pics to your computer before deleting - oh and for cropping :)
You will have to come back to my blog and ready a comment Georgie left for you about the Followers thing! I didn't even know how it!
HAHA! This is great! TOTALLY SEXY. I'm not even kidding. What a great guy! :)
OMG Megan...I'm cracking up! What a riot. He's such a cutie!
I hope you can still post tomorrow, after he murders you.
LOL too funny!
lol! :) this is great! thanks for saving the pics for us!
hahaha...i am rolling on the floor with laughter! love it!
HAHAHAHA!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! I love moments like that when you are laughing so hard with your husband that you are both snorting and crying and about to pee! :)
Hilarious! I LOLed so loud my son cocked his head sideways. I have blackmail pictures of the sorts of my husband.
Oh my goodness, I laughed so hard at your last comment about deleting the pictures. He's totally hot though, so he should have no worries......even if he is wearing girls pj's.
I saw your comment on another blog about SITs being confusing. I thought it was to when I first saw it. Took me going over a few times before I figured it out! :)
I am dying over here!!! This is hysterical!!
I think green is DAve's color :)
OMG! That's hilarious! How great he was a good sport about letting you take pictures too. Sean would kill me if I took pictures of him in something like that. :)
oh how funny. and i didn't know about all the interesting little tidbits.
YOU are EVIL... hilarious.. but EVIL! :)
Love this post. all of it. in all it's randomness.
***SUPRISE For YOU in my Blog!***
That's hilarious!! Also,'ve been TAGGED! Please check out my blog to see what I mean!
awwww.... poor guy, he's so cute and innocent not knowing we're all chuckling at his outift. lol. are you gonna tell him you posted them?
lol- you are way to funny..
and your guy is funny too..
I love the first one.. it looks like it's blurry from him running away from you..
naughty girl!!
love it!
HA! hilarious! Green is just his color lol, and I'm totally about to make my cat's potty room a 'rave' room with a black light so he can look at his colored pee :P
Oh girl. You are BAD!!!!
That was too funny. He's a good sport.
Hilarious. Sad thing for me is Joey always deletes the funny pics himself before I can get them on the blog.
Although I can say, I never had my hubby in ladies jammies... that is pretty funny!
Toooo cute!
How tricky are you! And what a great sport...
Hot funny!!!! Why did you crop though ;0)
Did I say thaaaaat?
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