I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.
Looking for a friend on facebook, I came across a girl that is currently attending Liberty University (where I was as a resident student but currently finishing up through the distance learning program)

Blogging friends, meet Shanta Clause.
I wonder when she was in grade school if the kids were excited when she was "coming down the slide" (get it, slide..not chimney!!)
Have you met any (okay I haven't met her, but whatever!) not-so-ordinary-named people? And the celebrity baby names..don't get me started on them!!
P.S. If you are here for the GIVEAWAY...
go down ONE post!!!
go down ONE post!!!
Well, I didn't know her, but when my mom was younger, she knew a girl named Crystal Chandalere.
Seriously, why would you do that??
OMG! Too funny!
What a hoot! Some of the names people come up with.
I knew a Sterling Silver and a Peter Parker in High School, seriously what were these parents thinking?
Oh. My. Word. SHANTA CLAUSE!?!?! That is just mean!! Hilarious, though!
I dated a guy who's neightbor was Harry Bush. His wife's name was Rose and the daughter was Deanne, but they called her Dee. No lie!
Seeing that you were Harry Bush and your wife was Rose Bush, what on earth would make you call your daughter Dee?
We had an "Anita Schauer"
and a "Crystal Shanda Leer"
hi-larious stuff!
So, so funny.
Ooooh!! Mine are awesome... my nieces' and nephew's REAL names are as follows:
Abigail Fizzy ("Abby")
Francisco Soda Pop ("Sodie")
Cherry Amor ("Cherry")
OMG! Why would someone do that to their kid?! lol that is too funny! Hopefully she doesn't google herself and get to your blog.. that could be bad! lol
I wish I knew someone w/ a name like this or something, but I can't think of any..
That is so crazy!
I had a little kid in my class once named Jett Cole Black. I thought that was crazy.. now that seems way normal..lol.
That is funny - poor girl. I have heard some names like this but of course cannot think of them off the top of my head!
Hi Megan ~ that is too funny. I feel so sorry for those kids. Those parents are demented.
i can already tell that i am goingto be in SO much trouble with this scrapblog thing! it's already SUPER addicting! thanks SO much for sharing it with me!!!
And don't worry...my neighbor's name is Robert Roberts...who comes up with these names?! I also used to work with a guy names Peter Peterka. WHAT!!?
Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog:) and yes I too want children before the lord comes back..lol:)
HA! What a name! That cracks me up! I haven't met any weird names! Well, my honey's name is different..."SHAD"....yeah like the fish! I don't know what his mom and dad were thinking?
My mom works with someone named Anna and she married a guy with the last name Rexic.
I've heard of some pretty bad ones
lol, about the going to jail part. I posted someone's license plate on my blog yesterday.
Wow...what a name!
my husband graduated from liberty univ. :-)
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