Normally I have
Liz make headers for me (cause she's freakin awesome!) BUT...
Becky posted about how happy she was that she made her own header.. and it was freakin awesome! Becky was KIND enough to tell me how she made hers...and I tried it, and found it to be SO SO SO easy..and so much fun! (thankyousomuchbecky! yourock!) If you go to
Scrapblog you can make your own is pretty self explanatory. After you are done, you have to publish it to the website in order to then export it as JPEG. From there, it will be saved to your computer as a picture and then you will be able to put it in for the header.
Here are a few "headers" that I worked on after I completed my Halloween one... I foresee myself spending WAY too much time with this program...

I love them.. They all look great! I told you it was super easy.. I noticed yours don't hang off the edge on the right hand side.. my does a bit.. I clicked the shrink to fit button but it still hangs off a bit.. o'well..
Thanks for the shout out! : )
Thanks I'm going to give this a try!
These are awesome! Thanks for posting this. I was just thinking about how many awesome headers I see around, and how I wish I could do them. Now I can!
Thank you so much! I have a feeling I will be spending MUCH time on there! Seriously, this may be just what I need at the hospital! Thank you. :0)
Love them all! I love the festive one for Halloween.. very cute! As for the other one's, the 2nd one is my favorite.
Love them all! I have to check it out!
What a neat program! After reading this post I just went and spent far too much time playing with it - so much fun! Thanks for passing along the tip!
Thanks for sharing, lady. I will have to play around with this!
You are a life saver! I've been dying to know how to make my blog cuter without having to buy a makeover.
oooh I'm definitely checking this out!! thanks for the link!
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