God, I will be delighted with whatever bundle of joy you send my way. BUT if we can make children like Build-A-Bear...
I would like a BLONDE hair BLUE eyed baby.. With a forehead smaller than her mamas and a nose not quite as round.
I would like a BLONDE hair BLUE eyed baby.. With a forehead smaller than her mamas and a nose not quite as round.
Wow, that picture is a little creepy. Although, my plants have been telling me I shouldn't have children, so maybe this will have to do.
That is too funny!Believe me when I say I went there and "made" a baby after I saw your post and I'm praying my baby doesn't look like what they are projecting it to look like! LOL
Have fun at the Japanese steakhouse! That sounds delicious!
What a cool website...I gotta check it out!
And yes, there's always room for one more at dinner...come on over!
What they don't come up with right? I feel like I need to try this... haha I always hope I will have a cute baby because I have seen some babies that just aren't cute! Oops, did I say that???
It's up!
That's hilarious!! She's not that scary...
I'm sure the two of you will make beautiful babies!
this is great!! I'm going to see what mine and Jake Gyllenhaal's baby is going to look like... or mine and Christian Bale's baby... or mine and Clive Owen's baby... or ... yeah, I'm going to have a lot of babies! :)
Just for a laugh I put in Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes ... and this cute little Chinese kid appeared. I must have done something wrong ...
I need to try that site and see if the child looks anything like our 6 kids. Probably not. God is soooo much better at creating than computers, don't ya think!
Too cute...love your new blog design too...love it!
I was pullin for you to in the giveaway... ;) If Love was to draw the names she would have pulled out 5 then what would I have done LOL
Oh, you have a new look. I like it..
That is such a neat website.. I am so gonna have to check it out.. and see what mine and random peoples babies would look like..lol.
Girl, You don't need help making a header.. Yours look great. I love it.. and I love the brown leather looking background you have..
I got my background from http://www.thecutestblogontheblock.com/ I went there first to see what colors I should use when making my header.. then I went to http://www.scrapblog.com/ I used one of their templates but you can start with a blank page. I saved it as a jpeg and there you have it.. It took me about an hour but now that I have the hang of it.. I don't think it would take that long anymore.. I hope that helps..
Your baby certainly looks mischievous ... would she get that from her Mom or her Dad????
the little girl is sooooo cute in a way only a momma can love
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