If you ever find yourself in Natural Bridge, VA make sure you check out the Virginia Safari Park. It is one of the.coolest.places.ever. You can drive your car around and feed and be face to face with camels, zebras, elk, llamas, bison, ostich, lots of different deers & antelope, giraffes... and.so.much.more (See if you can tell which is my favorite animal)

I love that one you want to frame!!!!
I love your pictures, you need to post them more often!
That zebra print is amazing.
How cute would it be in a black and white themed room?
Fabulous pics!
Great pictures and that sounds like a cool place to go
those are great pictures! i love the zebra ones. and i'm kinda partial to the bison, as it was my college mascot :)
i hope you find a good church soon! we love the college group. my husband is getting his masters right now in ministry, so we serve a lot at the church.
Those zebra pics are amazing! You did a great job on those. Oh..and I do love Picasa. I've been using it for about 2 years and I can't image life without it! :)
I have always loved Camels and llamas. There is something so funny about there face.. I can't look at one without smiling..
those zebra photos are AMAZING...you should enlarge them ...HUGE... and sell them :) also, I am in love with the piggy
Oh yes, that needs to be framed for sure. Those are great photos! I'm so impressed!
FAbulous pics of the zebra!! You should totally frame those. All of them!
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