This picture certainly does NOT do the house justice. (I couldn't exactly get out and take a picture, it had to be quickly snapped then I turned around) Do you see that "road"?? That is like 1/6 of the distance of the road leading to the house. Before you get to this point, there are tonsss of trees on both sides...simply beautiful.
this is what you see. I love this barn.
If I had the courage to go talk to the owners to see if I could take a couple shots around their property I would say this:
Hi, my name is Megan. (I think I could get through that much pretty well) yourhouseisstunningandIhavedrivenby,wellnotonlyby,Iactually droveALLthewaydownyourdriveway (breathe) well,notallthewaydown, Ididn'twanttostalkyoubutyourhouseissopretty. (is this the part they would call the cops?)
You get the picture. I'd be a wreck. I can bet that this isn't the first time someone has commented on their beautiful house. Although, I am pretty sure that it wasn't some random stranger that has already taken a picture of it.
Hi, my name is Megan. (I think I could get through that much pretty well) yourhouseisstunningandIhavedrivenby,wellnotonlyby,Iactually droveALLthewaydownyourdriveway (breathe) well,notallthewaydown, Ididn'twanttostalkyoubutyourhouseissopretty. (is this the part they would call the cops?)
You get the picture. I'd be a wreck. I can bet that this isn't the first time someone has commented on their beautiful house. Although, I am pretty sure that it wasn't some random stranger that has already taken a picture of it.
I love looking at houses like that. We actually did a tour of the Ryan Mansion, in Galena IL, this past weekend.
oooh... that could be my dream house, too. It reminds me of the big, southern house in the YaYa Sisterhood movie!
love that house! "that's hott" :) our house looks just like that! only we have another level.
HA totally just kidding. our house is like 1000 sq ft :)
but we really do live in an area where there are tons of houses like that. its fun to walk by them and daydream of what the inside must look like!
I have always wanted to knock on someone's door and just tell them how nice I think their home is. I always wonder what people would say/do - they would probably think I was nuts. But if I had a very nice home and someone did that to me, I would be honored...
Lovely house...
I am always driving around to look at big pretty houses. That one is GORGEOUS. Will you politely ask them if I can live there? Thanks.
Oh, I love this house. I think you should walk up to a house and do this very thing.. oh, and then blog about it..lol.
do it...all they can say is No; if I had that house and someone asked me as nice as you; heck yeah I would let them...just smile ...that should work...but the house is beautiful!
OMG, I've done that too...I love looking at huge houses. We have a town not far from where I work, called Lake Forest...to say these people are rich is an understatement! I wish they'd open their doors and let me tour (I want to see how their houses are decorated!!!)
I do this too, but after a while all those huge houses freak me out. Too much to clean.
Then again, I'm guessing they have a maid. :)
Oh my gosh I love the barn!! I think I'd honestly rather re-do the barn and live in it!!!
My husband and I take drives to look at houses all the time. That house it lovely. I have done drive by photo taking too. I need ideas for when I can build my own fabulous house.
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